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Digital Marekting Trends of 2019

2019 Digital Marketing Trends That will Make Your Business Standout

Digital Marketing Trends of 2019

Competition is fierce and consumers are unpredictable, which makes you brainstorm new marketing ways to persuade people to buy your products and services. There are different methods such as engaging web content, PPC campaigns, blogs, social media and videos still common and popular among entrepreneurs, but these sources are not enough if you want to create competition in the market. Technology trends are evolving as fast as anything and therefore you have to stay abreast of them. There are many digital marketing trends that will drastically change your digital business in 2019.

Voice search for higher CTR

According to experts 3 billion searches made on Google every day are voice searches. Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri have recently been introduced that identify human speech and answer queries. When you type a query in the search bar, you get lots of search results and therefore chances are the customer will lose sight of your website. However, when a customer uses a natural-language user interface, for instance, Siri, it’ll give you a few results and therefore your CTR can be much higher if your website is amongst those results. So make your search phrases more conversational.

Chatbot for personalized customer services

Communication with customers is now easier with chatbot while keeping a lid on your budget. It can be integrated with a website, social media and an application, and interactive agents can receive queries and give data related answers. You can use user queries and information to make a further customized marketing strategy.

Video marketing to grab more audience

Videos are expected to continue to rise because the majority of customers watch videos than reading blogs. If you want to draw the attention of your customers to your new launch, make an engaging video detailing about the product and spread it on all social media platforms including your website. Find the best way to incorporate video marketing into your strategy


Digital Marekting Trends of 2019


Content will be the King

Though you’ve been introduced to new digital marketing ways, you can’t undermine the importance of content. Some people still rely on the content instead of advertising. Create original and informative content aiming to provide solutions to their problems and queries. Google search crawlers also give higher ranks to those sites which provide genuine and useful content.

Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising involves the use of automation technology to buy and sell digital media. Its benefits far outweigh traditional advertising benefits. The automation can help you buy advertising space more efficiently and target advertisers’ most valuable customers. You can access any amount of your audience, analyze data and get a real picture of how effective your ad is, which will further help you develop a more effective ad campaign.

Digital Marekting Trends of 2019



Summing up

You can give a better customer experience by following the latest digital marketing trends. If you are looking forward to choosing the best digital marketing agency, All star Digital can help you stay ahead of your competitors.

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