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How To Optimize Email Marketing

In the fast-changing landscape of digital marketing where trends change like seasons, one communication tool that continues to assert itself as reliable and effective is email marketing. It offers a high return on investment (ROI) no matter the business size. In fact, more than 70% of consumers prefer email communication as their source for updates from the businesses they follow. However, there is a fine line between intrusive or spammy emails and a well-executed email marketing campaign. We have put together some of the best practices to follow while running an email campaign for your brand. 


  • Craft eye-catching subject lines 

It is a common tendency amongst many users to read the subject line before opening the mail. A compelling subject line will ensure that the user opens your mail always. If it is not interesting enough, they might simply breeze past your mail or delete it. Remember that subject lines are the only opportunity you have to entice subscribers to open your mail. So, make it count!


  • Personalize your email 

Emails using a customer’s first name in the subject line receive more clicks than those without a name. However, that is not a guaranteed way of getting clicks. Many CRM tools allow you to include demographic and behavioral information of each user. For instance, if your subscriber purchased a pair of shoes from your e-commerce website, you can send them an email suggesting similar products that they can purchase.  


  • Customize design for mobiles 

A responsive email design is more crucial than you know. Most emails are opened on smartphones rather than computers. It is a convenient way for many people who like to remain connected while on the go. If you want to optimize your email marketing campaign, then make sure the emails are mobile-friendly and readable across various devices. Ensure you create a responsive design for various screen sizes, devices and apps. 


  • Include powerful CTAs 

The end objective of any email campaign is to bring readers onto your website and upgrade that click into a conversion. You will need to craft a strong call-to-action if you want your subscriber to take any action. A CTA should be concise and display urgency while leading readers to your website. Placement of CTAs, size and color also play a key role in a potential conversion. Keeping your CTA in the top half of your mail will easily be noticed by your readers and make it more effective. Refrain from placing CTAs at the end of the email. 


  • Add an option to unsubscribe 

Offering the user to unsubscribe from any marketing emails will do more good than harm. The purpose of any email campaign is to reach an audience that is interested in the information you provide. Moreover, you are more likely to get inaccurate data for open and CTR rates with inactive or disinterested readers. 


At All Stars Digital, we provide a range of digital marketing services which also include email marketing. We can help you run a successful email campaign. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how to optimize email marketing to the fullest! 

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