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How to Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

Chances are that you’re probably reading this article with a mobile. Did you know that mobile phones contributed to over 60% of website traffic in 2022? Out of this, only 39 % belonged to desktops. However, in the same breath, mobiles are also infamous for having the highest bounce rate globally at 52.11%. To make matters worse, desktop also takes the lead when it comes to conversion rates. However, since a significant part of total visits on websites come from mobiles, you are bound to lose a major part of your audience if your website is not optimized properly.    


Here are some of the best methods to ensure your website is mobile-friendly.


Improve Website Speed 

Your website’s loading times could make or break your conversion rate. Let’s face it, no one likes waiting around for a website page to load. Mobile users are known to be more impatient, which is evident from their high bounce rate on websites. So, how can this be fixed? It’s quite simple. Find out your website’s loading time for mobile as well as desktops. You can improve your website’s speed by using fewer codes, latest software, a content delivery network and implementing caching.


Develop a responsive layout 

Having a responsive layout is the best way to optimize your website for mobiles. A responsive layout simply means the ability of your website to adjust its layout on the device that it’s currently being viewed on. This includes different devices right from smartphones and tablets to laptops and desktops. Moreover, if you want your website to be more responsive, then ensure you compress each image. This will reduce their file size without having any effect on their quality. Large image files are usually the biggest reasons behind a website with slow loading speed. 


Use mobile-friendly fonts 

The font that is in place on the desktop version of your website may not be easy to read on a mobile. A poor font can lead to higher drop rates from mobile users visiting your website. Sans-serif fonts are your best bets as they are quite pleasing to read on smartphones. Make sure to use friendly fonts to further optimize your website for mobile devices. 


Choose a reliable web host

Lastly, ensure that you choose a reliable web host for your website. It is the most important step you need to take if you want your website to be fully optimized for mobile users. A reliable website host is the one that delivers high performance and as low downtime as possible. 


At All Stars Digital, we have the best Web Hosting options that are tailored to your needs. Through our Website Design & Development service, we can help you fix any glaring gaps in your website. And more importantly, we will help you optimize your website for the key growth driver – mobile devices.  

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