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On-page and off-page optimization – What really matters in SEO

On-page and off-page optimization – What really matters in SEO

On-page and off-page optimization 

It is the 21st Century and about 80% of people’s lives today is guided by Google! We keep coming to Google to look up for one thing or another several time a day. And what comes on the first page of this SERP (Search Engine Result Page) is what matters!

Unlike the traditional race today the businesses struggle to beat each other on the web page forefront. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a rather delicate mix of simple and technical aspects to make a website popular.

The big term Optimization contains two segments for making a website popular i.e. On-page and Off-page optimization. Although being on different sides of the same coin both are equally important for an SEO campaign to be successful. While on-page optimization handles for the ‘WHAT?’ factor in ranking, the off-page optimization answers the ‘HOW?’

On-Page Optimization

On-Page optimization is about all the on-site techniques that one can apply for making a website popular. It gives reasons for the traffic to drop by on your website. With content, pictures, titles, headings, quality of page etc the webpage ranking is mostly defined by the on-page optimization. The on-page optimization is about improving the experience of the readers and involving relevant traffic on the website.

There are several components contributing to on-page optimization. To make your website search engine friendly it is important to keep an eye on these while drafting anything to be put up on your website.

High quality, original and unique content is what you need for the readers to come to your page.

  • Keywords

Marking your content with the right keywords and hashtags is important.

  • Alt text and Images

Search engine capture images and Alt texts as much as they capture words.

  • URL Structure

The relevance of content is judged by the URL structure. The keywords on the URL determine the page’s subject and therefore influences the traffic too.

  • Meta title and descriptions

Relevant and descriptive titles drive a reader to click on the link. They influence a person to visit your website.

  • Page loading speed

About 40% of the traffic goes away if the website doesn’t load within 3 seconds. Load speed matters!

Off-Page Optimization

It is not enough to put up content on your website to make it popular. One needs to create enough back-links and gather an audience from different channels to optimize the traffic. Off-page optimization is about HOW you use the content of your website to create awareness, connect, network or reach out to people. Back-links, social media, blogs etc play as a currency in this regard to work on the off-page optimizations!

Off-page optimization is a combination of

  • Link building
  • Social Media
  • Marketing


Sharing your website content on different platforms and creating quality back-links that drive traffic works best. Off-page optimization is a continuous process and needs a regular building of new links for the search engines to rank them to the top. Therefore regularly creating good content and engaging audience through different platforms is a must.


All Stars Digital is a digital marketing and brand scaling agency with unmatched excellence in Search Engine Optimization. With a precise understanding of the techniques required to make a brand popular, All Stars Digital puts in commitment to drive traffic to your website with high-quality content, On-Page and Off-Page optimization, Social Media Building and creating trending feed.


*Images in this article have been sourced from Google.com and are used for representative purposes only.

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