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Influencer Marketing

Social Media

As per 2019 statistics, it is found that 92% people trust recommendations from people not known to them over branded content. It’s time to leverage that to market your brand. 

So who are these “almost celebrities”, going by the name of “Influencers”? 

Influencers on social media are people who have built a reputation for their knowledge, expertise and charisma on a particular topic. They are highly active on social media and they regularly post about their various collaborations. With the increasing use of social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat, influencers have become the most effective marketing tool to reach out to customers.

 The influencers are not only pursued by local followers, but they are recognized on a global level.


Our alluring team of enthusiasts is like a mutual friend connectinng your brand with your target customers. We are home to leading influencers over all platforms like – twitter, instagram and facebook. 

We follow a thorough process which includes:

  • Setting strategies- identifying what you exactly want and how the influencer can help
  •  Identifying the most suitable influencers for the campaign 
  • Analyse the brand fit, content quality, number of followers and various other factors of shortlisted influencers 
  • Approach the influencers and negotiate terms and finally Take your brand to the next level!

 No matter how old or new your brand is; with the dynamic environment of social media you need to keep your brand updated! We’re here to help you walk this path of Instagram likes, Facebook shares, infinite re-tweets and 10 second Snapchat stories. 

So do not hesitate to hit us up, A leading Influencer Marketing Agency in Mumbai,if you would like to run your next kick-ass Influencer Marketing Campaign.