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Twitter – A Powerful CRM Tool For Brands

Twitter – CRM Tool For Brands


Twitter– the micro-blogging site is a powerful medium for the people to connect. Tracking down people from unknown horizons and knowing what they think, do and believe in was interesting enough but with time Twitter has emerged as a social CRM tool for brands and businesses to popularize.

First things first..

Customers –Yes they have that! With more than 300 million active users tweeting every single day, Twitter promises scope to get noticed. More than that Twitter offers the prospect of converting these users into customers and narrowing them down to generate the sale.

Relationships –CRM meant indicating the relationship between the customers and the brand. People on twitter connect to each other all the time. It is only obvious that people would follow the brand and show their affinity towards them. The interesting part of this relationship is that you can map all the interactions, competitions, their influence and strategize well.

Management –The Key to CRM on Twitter is here! Twitter doesn’t have a CRM tool of its own but simple features do aid some. The number of clicks, popularity, following, and activities can all be monitored through Twitter. It can also be imported to another CRM tool to analyze.


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Twitter as a CRM Tool!

Twitter is a social CRM tool that enables a brand to measure its traffic as well as the conversion rate. This facilitates the business to understand the metrics of the customers visiting the site and their conversion to sales.

Record data –Twitter allows recording of traffic on the website and also track down the conversion rates. Through additional CRM tool, it can be analyzed thoroughly to enhance the marketing strategies.

User Engagement –Twitter helps you interact with the customers and track them but it also helps in tracking the interactions between two customers. It helps you understand the repute of the brand, the ways to improve and gather customers.

Reviews –Twitter helps gather honest and unbiased reviews of the brand directly from the customers. This proves to be an extensive measure to improve the brand, share the reviews and gather more customers.

Social Standing –The number of followers, interactions, website clicks, etc help get the demographics of brand influence. It helps the brand identify the active customers and target the potentials well.

Customer support –As a direct communication with the customer, Twitter allows the brand to solve disputes, extend customer support and enhance the customer experience.

All Stars Digital – Your guide to social CRM!


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To update your brand spectrum on social media and engage with the customers online there is a need to be socially active. All Stars Digital – a specialized brand –scaling agency and digital marketing company is a dedicated partner at providing e-marketing services to brands while using the social CRM tools. Through extensive marketing on social media websites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram the company aims to improve the user engagement, popularity and drive sales of the brand!

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